

Matthew 28:19

Excel Care
Excel Care ministry started out initially with one purpose in mind, that is to bless those who are in need of help, especially the homeless. It was then named, Urban Street Outreach (USO).
Over time,Excel Care grew and started to reach out to the orphanages as well as old folks’ home with Clown Care Ministry (CCM) and Senior Citizen Outreach (SCO). Their hearts reach out to people who are in need, homeless, being cast away and most importantly, those who are looking for love
Kings' Academy
Do you want to help behind the scenes in bringing our weekend services to life, the Excel Media Team could be a great fit for you! Each week, this team covers all areas of service production, from running video cameras, lighting, and audio to providing technical and stage support.
Our mission is three-fold: To reach the community with media technology and inspiring them with the grace of God. We assist other ministries in Excel Point by equipping and discipling the body of Christ through the power of media arts. We also provide excellent media coverage and support for regular and special events, assisting the ministry of the Word in the church.
God has a profound desire to share his glory, love and joy with all people. His desire is to bless all the nations and it is this thread that weaves its way through the Scriptures and the history of redemption. Jesus Christ himself is the perfect manifestation of the missionary heart of God.
It is at the heart of Excel Point that we become partners with God in a spirit of joy and excitement at what He is doing among the nations. The incredible good news of His love, mercy, and grace through the finished work of the New Covenant is one of our strong motivations to see the cities of Asia and beyond experience the blessing and goodness of God.
Excel Intercession
There are probably a thousand and one reasons to be devoted to prayer, first and foremost it is the means by which we receive supernatural help and the impartation of God’s supernatural grace for any and all circumstances.
Our desire at Excel Intercession is to stir and encourage a deeper personal prayer life in Excel Point members, both for our church and beyond. Over the years, we have expanded into different arenas of prayer that you could be part of: Frontline Prayer Teams, Prayer Closet Warriors, Wednesday Night Prayer, All Night / Late Night Prayer Meetings, and Church Prayer & Fasting Weeks.